Reviewing the ROCK SLAM Data

Reviewing the ROCK SLAM Data

Follow the steps below to review and analyze your ROCK Slam data:

  1. Accessing Processed Data: After the data processing is complete, review your SLAM point cloud on the ROCK Cloud visualizer.

  2. Analyzing Trajectory: Observe the white trajectory line throughout your point cloud which represents the path walked during data capture. You can also observe the loop closures you performed and relate them to the accuracy you observe in the project. This trajectory provides context for the captured data and may give you clues on how to improve your data capture for future projects.

  3. Exploring Detailed Structures: Notice the fidelity of the data scan and the objects in your point cloud. Observe how objects like trees, stairs, pillars, walkways, and even a power conduits are depicted.

  4. Holistic View and Impression: Zoom out and observe the point cloud from a holistic perspective. This step provides an overview of the entire captured area, allowing you to see the data's consistency over the entire capture are.

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